Pursuing the Great Commission


Evangelism Network Partners

As many as are willing to join. Once the individual is a born again believer and is gaining some level of maturity in the Lord, and most especially have love for evangelism and God’s work. Membership is nondenominational (the body of Christ in every place and anywhere). One must believe in the Lord Jesus and the Bible.

Sponsoring Partners Network

Membership in this group comprises the founding members and the rest of the world across the church of God, businesses, organizations and all persons who believe in supporting God’s worthy course.

Missionary Partners

These are individual or standalone missionary pastors and churches in various communities that we connect with before our community outreaches, whom we maintain alliance with as our community representatives for follow ups of our work, as well as all subsequent possible missions’ work and all other collaborations of kingdom work.

Visitation and Follow-Ups Network

Some members out of the main evangelism team get to go back to ensure effective follow-up, retention and nurturing of souls won is achieved. They are responsible for capacity building for local church teams leaders and missionaries for efficient follow activities.

Prayer Network Partners

Special individual who will give themselves to prayer for Care Alliance International vision and all activities, members and sponsoring partners. Praying around the clock. Serve through prayer for the organization.