Pursuing the Great Commission

Who we are

Care Alliance International is a Christian charity organization, which operates as a Missions Agency. Targeted Mission Care to missionary pastors and church workers are at the core of our mandate and philosophy. We do the work of evangelism in our own way and we also partner individual evangelist, churches and very sphere of missions in their evangelism efforts by spearheading outreaches.

As a faith-based non-profit Christian entity, we are engaged in the mobilisation of livelihood support essentials and charitable care for missionary pastors/church workers and missions based in communities having rural outlook in Ghana.

Our bid is to extend helping hands to the real-vibrant and gallant people working for God, who are genuinely and biblically evangelising our rural communities. Fending for the spiritual welfare of the souls in Christ through the continues proclamation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and teaching of the undiluted word of God.

One of the ways we seek to achieve this mandate is to connect with our urban, city-based partners and affiliates who desire the propagation of the gospel of Christ to the uttermost parts of our world, who seek for transparent channels to contribute resources in one way or the other to a good course as afore described, of our rural missionary pastors being enterprising in the MISSION of God.

Our call is an appeal to you to sign-up to become a part of the urban, city-based Partners and Sponsors to accord you and us the golden opportunity to Reach Out to the rural based missionaries and church workers, who are working to ensure the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ continues to ensue and reach the nonevangelised people across our rural communities.

We conclude in earnest anticipation that you would, out of your love for the Lord Christ Jesus, partner or affiliate with us to promote the Business of saving and preserving souls till the glorious appearance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in his second coming, which we await.

We pray that you shall continue to enjoy the peace of God and his benevolence in the matchless grace, which he has extended towards us all; albeit while we were yet sinners – Christ died for us. Amen!

Thank you for deciding to be part of God’s agenda. It’s a BOLD DECISION and God will honour it and bless you. Shalom!!!


Pursuing the Great Commission.


Evangelise our world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and offer humanitarian support to rural missionaries and church workers.

Core Values

Stretcher Bearers, Strategic Alliance, Partnership, Teamwork, Contributing to the agenda of God.

Our Core Mandate

Go ye into all the world.

Our Philosophy

That our care for you in the sight of God might appear to you.

Our Activities

  1. Monthly Street and House-to-House Evangelism
  2. Scouting, Identifying, Screening and offering needed help to missionary pastors/church workers
  3. Organising training seminars for church workers
  4. Evangelistic Outreaches to Senior High Schools (SHS)
  5. Partnering churches for Open Air Crusades