Community Evangelism (Street and House to House)
Since its inception, each year our team visits 9 to 15 communities every month for evangelism in partnership with a local church, winning the lost to God’s kingdom and restoring the backslidden. The souls won are disciplined and nurtured by the local church with our follow-ups.
We create partnerships, teamwork and kingdom alliances to fulfil the Great Commission. We work with evangelists, missionary pastors, church groups and anyone who is a genuine follower of Christ who considers winning the Lost, a priority.
We strongly urge you to join CARE ALLIANCE COMMUNITY EVANGELISM NETWORK this and every month to pursue Lord’s heartbeat – Soul Winning!! – Pursuing The Great Commission.
Beloved in Christ. Now is the time to endeavour to fulfil our true calling. Soul winning and Discipleship. TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE FOR THE LORD. (Matthew 6:33, Mark 16:15, Mark 16:20 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
Welcome Aboard. Become a Partner Today. God bless you!!!
School Outreach (All Levels, ESPCIALLY, secondary schools)
It is our joy to get the gospel message across to the world of students to enlighten them against deception and ignorance of this world. School going period becomes a critical decision making season of one’s life and there cannot be a better way to make the best ever decision one can make in hearing and accepting the gospel of salvation and growing with it into adulthood. A couple of schools are targeted for outreaches every year within our communities.
Missionary Pastors Support (Financially, Materially and Logistically)
Targeted Missionary Support and Care are at the core of our mandate and philosophy. We strive to mobilize financial, material and logistical support for missionary pastors and church workers and missions based in communities having rural outlook in Ghana.
Our bid is to extend helping hands to the real-vibrant and gallant people working for God, who are genuinely and biblically evangelizing our rural communities. Fending for the spiritual welfare of the souls in Christ through the continues proclamation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and teaching of the undiluted Word of God.
Our call is an appeal to you to sign-up to become a part of the urban city-based Partners and Sponsors to accord you and us the golden opportunity to Reach Out to the rural based missionaries and church workers, who are working to ensure the mission of our Lord Jesus continues to ensue and reach the non-evangelized people across our rural communities.
Ways to serve
- Join our monthly community evangelism
- Join our prayer support network
- Join our financial, material and logistical givers network
More ways to serve
- YOU can do the work of an evangelist (personal Soul winning) in pursuit of the Great Commission!!
- YOU can form alliance with others in group Evangelism in pursuit of the Great Commission!!
- YOU can pray for Lost Souls in pursuit if the Great Commission!!
- YOU can give financially in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!
- YOU can disciple and nurture new Souls in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!
- YOU can provide material and logistical support in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!
- YOU can encourage colleagues, friends and family to work in the field of Souls in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!
- YOU can build personal capacity in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!
- YOU can do all you can in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!
- YOU can encourage yourself in pursuit of the Great Commission!!!